The Vaccinated Vandal was ready to fill the womb of another woman with his powerful seed. On this special day, he unloaded a potent load into her hood pussy, ensuring that she would be expecting a baby soon. Out of all the black women they had bred thus far, one out of three seemed to be taking their pregnancies to full term and at some point in the future they could proudly proclaim: “My baby was born from a Ghetto Gaggers session courtesy of the Vaccinated Vandal!” The poor woman had no escape as she was penetrated by white c*ck in every orifice; throat, ass and pussy. They even secured an anal hook in her anus and threaded it through her collar, forcing her to remain still as their wicked play ensnared her body and mind. As the cum burst out from between her legs, they then fed her more white manhood until there wasn’t room for any more in her mouth. Her face blushed with shame due to her newfound status as a huge slut.
See more of this entire scene called “Baby Momma Day” on GhettoGaggers.com.